This N-Channel IGBT is a MOS gated, logic level device
which is intended to be used as an ignition coil driver in automotive ignition circuits. Unique features include an active
voltage clamp between the collector and the gate which provides Self Clamped Inductive Switching (SCIS) capability in
ignition circuits. Internal diodes provide ESD protection for
the logic level gate. Both a series resistor and a shunt
resister are provided in the gate circuit.
Discrete Semiconductors TO-263
Manufacturer :Harris Corp. (Intersil)
Package/Case :TO-263
Product Categories :Discrete Semiconductors14N36GVL IGBT. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: 14N36GVL
Type of IGBT Channel: N-Channel
Maximum Power Dissipation (Pc), W: 100
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|, V: 360
Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage |Vcesat|, V: 1.45
Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage |Veg|, V: 10
Maximum Collector Current |Ic|, A: 14
Maximum Junction Temperature (Tj), °C: 150
Rise Time, nS: 7000
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